Monday, December 30

How to do japa/chanting ?~1

हरे कृष्ण 

hints for japa-

1.the most effective time is early  dawn and dusk when sattva or purity Is predominant.

2.regulariy is vital and while doing the japa, you  must have the bhava or emotion that Atma,Ishvar,Devta and mantra are one.

3.dyring japa of any mantra,visualize your ishta devata,chosen deity,looking at you with compassion.

4.when the mind wander too much, do verbal the mind becomes steady,do mantal japa.

5.a beginner should use a japamala.later, he can take recourse to manasik japa or mental repetition.

6.use only the middle finger and thumb of right hand for rolling the not use the index finger. not cross the meru or crown or head of the mala while rolling the beads.turn back when you come to this point.

Japa generates heat in the body.hence an asana is important for a serious sadhak.use a woolen or kusha grass mat to sit on.

8.sattvik food is essential for generating purity of thought. As you eat,so you light.

The final frontier of all sadhana or meditation is constant remembrance of your aradhya, the Divine.the best vehicles to get you there are japa or chanting and smaran or repetition of God’s names.japa is one of the most effective means to turn inwards, as it helps to silence the thought process.intense practice of the incessant repetition of the lord’s name has the power to pulverize all karmic residues that hinder the ultimate goal of attainment of the divine abode.

Japa is the repetition of a mantra, the name of God which is a manifestation of the divine in the form of shabda,word or chanting the guru mantra, you invoke God in a tangible way.chanting purifies and quietens the mind without which it is impossible to attain the ultimate.japa leads the sadhak or seeker to a deeper understanding of his own divine nature.and japa protects.

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